Empowerment and greater representation of women

Fostering democracy and equal representation is a challenge that Chile has committed itself to in global and regional discussions. Chile has made a sustained contribution to the agenda of commitments established at the Beijing Conference and its Platform for Action, as well as in a series of international instruments such as CEDAW, the Belém do Pará Convention and the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, among others.

International relations and foreign policy are not untouched by what happens in other areas of the public sphere in which women are not adequately represented. According to the United Nations, the number of women in ambassadorial positions worldwide is around 15%, which decreases for embassies considered more economically or strategically important.

The FFP seeks to raise awareness of the underrepresentation of women and other groups in decision-making spaces of Chilean foreign policy. Women’s participation is understood as an integrating and transforming concept that should exert an impact on foreign policy.